Director: Christopher Denham

Genre: Action thriller


This movie was dumb. 

Or to be more accurate, the characters, their choices, and the way they were written were dumb. 

But is it really worth going into details? Is this a film worth deconstructing and analyzing? That is the issue I often find with films I think are bad. To me a bad film is not one that makes me angry (although there are some exceptions), but commonly a bad film to be is just one that offers me nothing and seems as if the people making it did not care about the product. 

What we have here is a very generic survival film with a typical final girl horror scenario. Nothing is surprising or engaging. So why should this review be? What would be the point in elevating a bland work of fiction that no one should bother seeing?

Perhaps it is to make people aware, so these trends don't get repeated. However, trends are always repeated, and there are always alternate ways to improve the setup of a film. 

My one takeaway point from this film is to give some advice for future filmmakers who wish to tackle this same setup or subject matter: if the killers in your film are a bunch of punk kids, make sure they actually seem deranged, or maybe think about incorporating them into a theme of your film.
