
They’re watching you.

They’re watching all of us.

They are monitoring our conversations, poisoning our food, restricting what we see.

All because they want to control us. We’re not people to them. We’re not individuals. We are test subjects. We are like the bugs children stomp on or burn with magnifying glasses.

The government is not here to help us. They are here to control us. And they have succeeded.

Look around you. There could be listening devices nearby. Are those your neighbors, or are they spies sent to keep you in check?

Is that even your family? How do you know your memories aren’t false?

Have you heard about the revolution? Of course you haven’t. They’re keeping it from you. But it’s out there. You just have to know where to look.

And the signs are all here. I’ve encoded several messages within this text. Look closely. Find us, before they do.
