
Alright, alright. I’m calm.

It’s not like this episode really upset me or anything. I just found it disappointing. Very few stories involving branching paths created from our decisions have been very good. All of them promise endless different variations and possibilities, but none of them provide that. Most try to subvert this by saying we didn’t actually have a choice in the end, and it was all just a ruse.

I would like to see one piece of media where the creators actually take a huge risk and create a vast world where even choosing a different cereal for breakfast will completely split the universe. Imagine something where eating Frosties led you down a vast alien conspiracy path, whereas eating Sugar Puffs led you toward a mundane and soul crushing experience in a live of mediocrity and disappointment.

Sometimes I think stories with branching narratives rely too much on the reality of choices. I’d like to see someone have some fun with it, and really go all out with every option.